10 - Dedication of the Corydalaeans to Emperor Hadrian
Project 6013: 10 Inventory No:  AC-7
Coordinat 36°31'27.16" N / 30°33'7.81" E
Measurement Accuracy

1 m in areas with dense vegetation 
Location in-situ               incertus
Found In West side of the main street.
Date Range After 129 AD
Material Profiled limestone base, broken at the top and on both sides
Measures height: 0.73 m; width: 0.47 m; depth: 0.60 m
Inscription Content
"The boule and demos of the people of Korydalla were dedicated to Emperor Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus Olympios, the father of the homeland, the savior of the universe, for his arrival." (Tüner Önen, 2008:316)."
Letter Attribute
Letter Character In standard form Letter Height 0,045-0,048 m
Majuscule Miniscule
Conservation Status of the Inscription Bearer  
1 Intervention Date Consevation Team Materials Used Changes Made
Pre-conservation view  Post-conservation view Analysis
 CIG 4337; Dürr 1881, 120, no. 124; Bérard 1892, 442 n 91; IGR III 757; van Buren
1908, 186, no. 12; Benndorf-Niemann 1884, 117, dpn. 3; TAM II 1193; Adak, Tüner, Şahin
2006, 14, no. 10; Tüner Önen, 2008, 316, no. 13. 
Text Commentary
"Here, too, there is an offering made to Emperor Hadrian by the people of Korydalla, the neighboring city of Akalissos. This inscription has the same content as inscription no. 9 and was written for the same purpose. In these inscriptions, the people greet the emperor on the occasion of his landing (ἐπίβασις)."(Tüner Önen,2008:316)."
1 Akçay, A 2016, New Technological Approaches Used in Cultural Heritage Research: The Case of Phaselis Inscriptions. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Akdeniz University, Antalya.
Research Status    
Research and development studies are ongoing within the scope of FBA2022-6013.