4 - Sacrifice to Helios
Project 6013: 4 Inventory No:  BH-1
Coordinat 36°31'27.85" N / 30°33'8.13" E
Measurement Accuracy

1 m in areas with dense vegetation 
Location in-situ             incertus
Found In It is located in its original location to the right of the entrance to the Tetrogonal Agora.
Date Range 4th century BC
Material Dark-colored marble.
Measures height: 0.32 m; width: 0.78 m; depth: 0.60 m
Inscription Contents    
"Sotas, son of Hellokrates, when he became a priest of Helios, dedicated (this) to Helios and all the other gods. (Tüner Önen.2008:307-308)"
Letter Attribute 
Harf Karakteri Cubic and carefully sculpted typeface Letter Height 0,018-0,020 m.
Majuscule Minuscule
Conservation Status of the Inscription Bearer
1 Intervention Date Consevation Team Materials Used Changes Made
11/6/2020 Blockage fee Ground Leveling
Pre-conservation view  Post-conservation view Analysis
The inscription was fixed to its base by applying blockage mortar to level the ground on which it will sit.
 Adak – Tüner – Şahin 2006, 3 no. 1.
Metin Yorumu
"Line-1: Σωτᾶς is a very popular Greek name in Greece. It is also frequently encountered on the island of Rhodos1. Sotas' father's name Ἑλλοκράτης has never been used in this form as far as we can see. This name can be identified with Ἑλλανοκράτης, which is quite common in Central Greece2. The name combined with Hellas seems to have become fashionable in the border region between Lycia and Pamphylia in the 5th/4th century BC. In fact, the name Hellaphilos was also famous in Hellenistic Lycia. This Hellaphilos was the father of the eastern Lycian dynast Apollonios. Hellaphilos built a magnificent rock tomb for himself near the dynastic center on Eren Tepe, 20 km southwest of Phaselis: Τῇδε θανὼν κεῖμαι Ἀπολλώνιος 'Ελλαφίλου παῖς. | ἠργασάμην δικαίως, ἡδὺν βίον εἶχον ἀεὶ ζῶν, | ἐσθίων καὶ πίνων καὶ παίζων. ἀλλ᾿ ἴθι χαίρων3. Hellaphilos was essentially a local, while Hellocrates at Phaselis must have been Greek. Onamastik shows that Phaselis preserved its Greek identity until the Roman period. So much so that all 77 officer names on the city coins of the period between 250-130 BC are Greek (Tüner Önen.2008:307-308).

Line 2-3: The other gods mentioned here should be understood as Athena, Zeus, Apollo, Hermes, Hestia, Ge and other gods whose names are unknown. It is noteworthy that ἱερητεύσας (= ἱερατεύσας) is written in the Ionian dialect, while the god Helios is given in the Doric dialect. As is well known, the most famous cult of the god Helios is that of Rhodos5. The cult of Helios existed in Phaselis since the foundation of the city, just like that of Athena Polias. The colonists from Rhodos carried their gods to Phaselis where they settled and established a cult for the god. In the text of the treaty between Mausollos and the Phaselisians, Helios is mentioned as the god of oaths along with Zeus and Ge. This supports that the god was one of the chief gods in Phaselis. The portrait of Helios is also frequently seen on the city coins of the Hellenistic Period.6 Although the exact location of the Temple of Helios is unknown, it can be assumed that it is located on the acropolis. Since the god Helios was worshipped in a modest area even in Rhodos, Matern thought that this god was worshipped in open sanctuaries instead of closed temples7. Therefore, it is very difficult to locate such a sanctuary (Tüner Önen.2008:307-308)"
1 Akçay, A 2016, New Technological Approaches Used in Cultural Heritage Research: The Case of Phaselis Inscriptions. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Akdeniz University, Antalya.
Research Status    
Research and development studies are ongoing within the scope of FBA2022-6013.