Dedication of the Gate to the Emperor Hadrianus
Diplomatic |
Edition |
Boule and demos of the people of Phaselis dedicated to Emperor Hadrianus Caesar Olympios Augustus, grandson of the late Nerva, son of the late Traianus Parthicus, Pontifex Maximus, tiribunica potastas for XVth times, consul for IIIrd times, father of the country, savior and benefactor of the whole universe.
CIG 4334; IGR III 760; TAM II 1187; The new reconstruction with the newly found blocks is reviewed in Blackman 1981, 151ff.; SEG XXXI 1299.; Tüner Önen 2008, 313-314 nr. 11; Tüner Önen 2013, 99 vd.; Akçay 2016, 120-121.